Needlepoint: a revolution in vinyl simulation. Featuring a full platter of advanced physical modeling technology, it offers a deep into the warm, fuzzy sound of turntable noises. Use it subtly for among the most convincing vinyl emulations available, or push the needle far past realism for some seriously warped sounds. While many vinyl plugins are content to use looping samples of vinyl noise, Needlepoint uses physical modeling to achieve its incredible sounds. It synthesizes all sorts and sizes of detritus and distress on a record: hair, dust mites, scratches, warping, and more. These are not randomly modeled, but rather accurately distributed onto a virtually rotating, algorithmic platter. Change the speed of the emulation to alter Needlepoint's tone, going beyond conventional RPMs like 33 1/3, 45, and 78–and even tempo syncing the turntable to your DAW.